Variety Raises A Staggering £235,000

Variety The Children’s Charity raised a staggering £235,000 at its 2017 Yorkshire Property Awards held at a glittering ceremony in Harrogate’s Rudding Park.

The money will allow a project involving Autism Angels, in North Yorkshire, the subject of this year’s appeal video that we made to tie in with the dinner, to go ahead. Click here to see the video and learn more about that project.

Martin Bayfield (left) and Nik Wood

The Awards begin

Our videos played a key part in the event and Good Call Media co-owner, Nik Wood, helped as joint Master of Ceremonies on the night with former England rugby player Martin Bayfield who kept the audience of 1,000 people entertained from the start.

The letter we received from Charlotte Farrington, Variety’s Regional Development Director, who helped to mastermind the whole event, was a great boost to our company. It said:

“Dear Nik and Fiona. I am writing to thank you so much for all of your help with our Yorkshire Property Awards. It’s safe to say that all the feedback we received relating to the films was very positive and Nik, you were a great addition to the awards presentation!”

Watch out for a series of our videos highlighting the prestigious Gamechanger Awards that were handed out at the event which will be coming on this website shortly.